Leg Pains

Hi all.

Since i started serious excercise 5 months or so ago ive had an infrequent problem with my lower legs.

I've had real pains when i put my feet down (when running) on the inside of my leg, not the calf muscle but what feels like between that and the bone.

Its only on impact, and if i continue to run on it eases slightly but then hurts the morning after. i can tell when its coming as i skip a lot, and it stops doing that completely.

it doesnt happen often; i play football twice a week and its not really affected that, it just affects my gym workout and running considerable when it does happen.

Is it a common problem?

soleus? Try doing some seated calf raises in your weight routine. These will not hit the gastroc, because your knee is bent. Instead, seated calf raises hit the soleus muscle which is sort of located between your gastroc and bones of the calf.

Are you warming-up, cooling down, and stretching before and after your runs? The only way to hit the soleus in a stretch is to have your knee bent. So, when you do calf stretches, make sure you follow up with a bent knee calf stretch.

yeah i always stretch the calf (and leg generally) quite thoroughly, although it may come from colder starts in skipping. its just a really strange, awkward pain that i cant pinpoint. i did wonder whether it may be an orthotics issue.