Leg pain ! what I do ?

Hello everyone. I am 38 – I use to run a lot when I was younger, now after being comfortable married for a while I have put on 5 or so pounds that I simply do not want any longer. So I dusted off the treadmill and ran 1.5 miles 5 days ago – I felt some sore muscles in my calf’s, just what I would have expected. Yesterday I ran again this time increasing my distance to 2.5 miles – after that run I took the family grocery shopping. As I was walking I had a sharp pain in the front top of my leg – I don’t want to say hip but its in that region. If I sit the location is right next to my groin, yet on my leg (if I were a woman it would be right on the bikini line). It feels like a strained muscle. As I was walking it hurt to pick up my leg – it didn’t bother me if I didn’t pick up my leg. I rested the rest of the day and its much better this morning, but I can still feel it. Is it more than likely a muscle strain that needs a few days rest?
Any sort of twinges like that I usually apply some ice and take a few days rest. Your new to being back into this, running is a high impact sport (particularly on concrete/asphalt) so expect some of these little set backs.

I am no doctor or medical profession, but it sounds like you've pulled your groin perhaps. Just give it a weeks rest, and then try a slow mile on grass. Remember whilst enthusiasm is good, to ease yourself back into this. Give your body a chance to catch up with where you are mentally.
Thank you, I tend to agree with you. I’ll focus more on the gym than running for a little while, Its starting to feel better today – seems the more I move around the easier it is. Sure does stink getting old ! Hopefully it will feel better in a couple of days, once its better I will give it a couple more days to make sure and then I will take it easy as I get going again. Thanks again !
My pleasure, just ease back in to it. You'll be surprised how quick your body adjusts and it comes back to you :cool: