Left Hip Pain during and after jogging?

Hi all,
Ive been trying very hard to get fit for the past 3 months, joined a gym, running outdoors, anything to get my heart racing to be honest and im loving it - wish id done this ages ago!
All ive ever wanted was to be able to run and run BUT im not able to for two reasons

a) im new to it, so i get knackered very fast

b) and this is the point of this thread i get a weird pain on my left hip, like a muscle pain. happens every time i run, even though i stretch my legs

Is this normal?is there a stretch for that area? is it common?

many many thanks - glad to have found this forum :cheeky2:
Is the pain in the very front of your hip? Right above near your stomach area?
its sort of parallel with the pubic area (sorry if sounded awful lol)
on the side there, not as high as stomach area.
hi karky, no it doesnt, it really hurts when i get up from sitting down

while im getting up i feel it there, or when im walking in heels, i feel with a LOT with every step then, esp the day after running

after a couple of days, it goes, but im never going to build my fitness with 2-3 day breaks as i still feel so new and unfit at jogging..

its literally right where my knickers are but on the side there..and only on the left had side..
I was thinking it could be anterior femural glide, which will usually get pissed off if you flex and abduct the hip. But since that didn't hurt I have no idea.
You know it could be anterior femoral glide....

Do you do squats? Is there any pain if you do? Strengthening your glutes can help that.

In any case I'd have a Dr. check it out.
yes i do a lot of squats, and yes i spose i do get some pain there -

i feel it a lot running down stairs, getting up and down.

i will ak my gym fitnesss trainers if i can track one down and if they cant help, see the doc i gues..
b) and this is the point of this thread i get a weird pain on my left hip, like a muscle pain. happens every time i run, even though i stretch my legs

Is this normal?is there a stretch for that area? is it common?

It is not normal to have recurrent hip pain and you should not ignore it. Before continuing on your current exercise regimen, see your doctor. Best case scenario is that it is a sprain and you will need to rest, heal, then rehabilitate the muscle complex. At worst it could represent ligament and/or joint damage. If you continue to aggrevate the injury, it could lead to an arthritic process in the joint that may prevent you from running in the future if not a joint replacement.

Whatever you do, don't take pain killers before you run as this will certainly lead to serious damage. See a sports medicine specialist.

It is not normal to have recurrent hip pain and you should not ignore it. Before continuing on your current exercise regimen, see your doctor. Best case scenario is that it is a sprain and you will need to rest, heal, then rehabilitate the muscle complex. At worst it could represent ligament and/or joint damage. If you continue to aggrevate the injury, it could lead to an arthritic process in the joint that may prevent you from running in the future if not a joint replacement.

Whatever you do, don't take pain killers before you run as this will certainly lead to serious damage. See a sports medicine specialist.


This thread was a while ago, but thanks for the reply..the update is - i went and got proper running shoes, had a gait analysis, etc which helped a bit, the problem persisted, i saw the osteopath at the gym who gave me a good 'going over' :rofl: and it helped again a bit, she said i was VERY tight in that area and that it was musclur, im running more now, and the pain is there but not too bad...x
the pain is there but not too bad...

Sound like you have improved the pain condition. However, you should probably see a sports medicine orthopedic surgeon for a diagnosis and fixing the problem completely. You may need an MRI/CT to evaluate ligaments and joint space. If you don't, you may be continuing to do damage to your hip.

Good luck,
oh gosh where would i find a sports medicine orthopedic surgeon?
So much swine flue going around im avoiding gp's hospitals. I never had this pain before ever and the minute i started my first jog, it came, it used to be really painful, i just wish it would go away altogether, i hate knowing its there, and if i do a fast run, with wide strides, its REALLY bad after.

a friend of mine has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and im worried ill get it too with time..

so your a surgeon eh? pretty impressive..

its sort of parallel with the pubic area (sorry if sounded awful lol)
on the side there, not as high as stomach area.

Sophie, I was having similar pain, and it sounds to me like Bursitis. There are small fluid filled sacs called Bursa which serve to lubricte the sharp points of your bones under the skin (for instance on the outside of your thighbone where it connects to your hip).

Running (particularly on uneven surfaces such as crowned roads, on hard surfaces such as pavement, or in the case that you have one leg longer than the other), can aggravate this and cause it to become inflamed. The result is pain when putting weight on the hip joint.

Everyone here is correct in saying you ought to have it checked out by a doctor in case it's something more serious, but from the location and symptoms of your pain, I'd be willing to bet that's whats going on.

Rest, use of NSAIDS, "joint juice," corrective shoe inserts, and strengthening of your butt muscles can all help.
Sophie, i had a very similar pain to what you describe, in around-a-bouts the same area. It hurt like hell to run, kick a soccer ball(try this and report back to us if it hurts) and walk up and down stairs. I went to see a physio, and he told me its just because im not flexible enough. He asked me when i stretch after sporting/physical exercise, which was none in my case.

All i did was some standard leg and gluteus stretches three times a day(when i woke up, after school, before i went to bed) for about 2-4 weeks, and it was all good. He told me to do all types of leg stretches, as id be suprised at which muscles are connected to which and how they all affect movement and pain when an injury occurs. I also began stretching after exercise, which i imagine helped a lot too.

So the only thing i can say is, try some stretches, that is assuming its a flexibility related problem. Of course, i was 15 when i had my problem, and growing like crazy, so my growth probably set mine off. But theres nothing to lose, and increased flexibility means decreased chance of other injuries, so you might as well try.

Hope that helps you ;)
i have been jogging for 20+ years and developed a pain in my hip two months ago similar to sophies symptoms. i thought it was bursitis, but after a visit to my chiropractor, found that bursae sacs sit right on the bone. the pain is in my muscle. after taking a long break, i jogged and the pain redeveloped much worse. i will continue to go to the chiropractor, but would be thrilled if anyone knew how to get my hip muscle back to jogging condition.
it could be simply your shoes...I didn't see anyone even bring that up--or I missed it entirely. Hope ur better...