Learn to Fly


New member
So, my boss and his wife took me and Sarah flying today and made me do some of the flying... Boy was that exciting! First, we taxied down the runway, and he had me try out the brake pedals. I wasn't very good at it, so we were swerving all over the place. Then, he took control again and we took off. We flew around for a bit, did a couple passes over our house, and then started flying towards Cataract Falls, which is a big lake about 20 miles away.

When we got to the point we could see the lake, he told me to take the controls to get a feel of it. I did and just kept it as still as I could, because I was nervous. Then, we got over the lake, and I was about to tell him to take the controls back over, but he told me to turn around! :( I took it REALLY slow, and as soon as we got turned around, I had him take control again, so I could breathe...

Then, we flew around for a bit more and then went back to the airport. We landed, so I took my headset off, but then he started to taxi back to the beginning of the runway again... He started explaining how to take off, and I slowly realized he wanted ME to take off. :eek: I was like, "Uhhh... I think I'll let you take care of that..." So he takes off, but as soon as we leave the ground, he lets go of the controls and said, "Alright, I got you off the ground... Go." So, he had me fly a few miles out and then circle back, all while trying to maintain a pretty slow speed. At one point though, I guess we got a bit too slow (not dangerously slow, but slow), because he grabbed his controls and dipped us down really fast. Both of our wives kind of freaked out, because they thought I had done it on accident. I was just starting to get comfortable with controlling it, when he had me turn towards the runway, and next thing I know he's telling me how to line it up and how to land... He controlled the throttle and the angle of the plane, but I was controlling everything else! Apparently I did alright I guess. hehe. I was sooo nervous though.

I posted some of the pictures in the picture thread.
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what a cool experience...

so are you going to do it again? or take flying lessons for yourself?

What type of plane was it?
It was a DA-40.


I'd love to do it again. Maybe next time I'll be a little more relaxed and can enjoy it more. My boss said with about another hour of flight time, he'd be able to teach me everything else that I'd need to know to get my license. Maybe when things calm down a bit at work, I'll take him up on that.