Sport Lean Cuisine Panini's - acceptable if you're in a rush?

Sport Fitness
Someone had me try a lean cuisine panini awhile back, and I have to say they taste really good. At a microwave time of about 3 minutes I was thinking these might be great for days when I'm in a rush and can only eat quickly between classes... but are they as "healthy" as they'd like me to think, or should I just make myself a sandwich the night before?

They have, on average, about 330 calories and between 7 and 9 grams of fat, so not bad right? I'm a little worried about the sodium though and the fact that anything microwavable will have weird preservatives in it. But if I only have them a couple times a week when I'm really rushing will they crash my diet or are they fairly safe?
Anything in a package is worse than something not. Anything you microwave is worse than something you cook. Anything processed is worse than something not, etc, etc, general rules. That being said, look at the nutrition, if it isn't that bad, than it isn't that bad. Of course there is better, but its your time and your goals. Its always up to you, and settling for less gets you less; plain and simple.
I will say that I've been eating the Lean Cuisine flat bread sandwiches a couple times a week. They do taste good. They carry 5-7 grams of fiber and 21-23 grams of protein. I'll usually pack up 2 ounces of cheese and 2 pieces of fruit and 1 cucumber chopped for lunch with the Lean Cuisine.

Is it ideal? Not really due to the preservatives and anything from a box is generally not the best when it comes to health. Buttttt...I think they're awesome here and there for a change.
They may not be the healthiest thing for you, but from a fat gram/calorie perspective, if you're in a rush, it's better than grabbing fast food. So, I keep some on hand, just in case.