
same question goes for me - I want to develop my lats to spread wide so you can see them from the front.

The best exercises i know so far are:
Lat pull down (wide grip to chest)

I usually superset these i.e. do lat pulldowns as normal, but when you finish the set immediately stand up, reduce the weight (to, say, 15kg), and start doing pullovers (with no rest). Pullovers being pulling the lat bar from its highest position down until it touches your thighs WITH STRAIGHT ARMS (important).
Pull ups with added weight, followed by lat machine pull downs are another way to really hit the lats. Also, for variety do various grips and widths on pull ups and pull downs. My gym also has some machines (Hammer Strength, etc.) that give other variations on the pull down. Fianally don't forget bent barbell rows and one arm dumbell rows also work the upper back for complete upper back strength and balance.
Single arm dumbell rows with one hand and one knee on bench (3 point stance) and back straight.

Barbell row. With an underhand grip on the bar, lean forward with hips back, knees slightly bent, and weight over feet. With your head up (don't look at the floor) Pull bar into your gut.

You can also the various rows with single arm or both from a high and low cable machine. Lots of options!
Varying the grip on chins is best hands down for hitting the back. Barbell rows are also very effective if done correctly. Try to get the form down perfectly on barbell rows before approaching your maximums. When I started doing barbell rows I just used the bar until I had my form down perfectly, then I started slow adding weight without sacrificing form. Form is the key on all exersizes. Back exersizes can be tricky at times, you want to hit the portion the exersize is designed to target. Many people on barbell rows end up giving the lower back a crumy workout and barely touching the upper back (the very portion the exersize is intentded to target).
Well that sounds good, i'm gonna try that tonight.