Sport Late Post Workout Meal

Sport Fitness
Hi all,

Just to you let you know this is my first post so please bear with me. Here is my issue.

I work 8 - 6 (minimum) and weight-train 3 days a week (M,W,F). I do 15 min of cardio after each w/o and 20 - 30 min of cardio (interval running) first thing in the AM on off days. I don't get a change to workout until 7-730 PM at least. I take a protein shake while I work out (usually have one other throught the day) and one after which usually is around 9-930. I never get a chance to eat a proper dinner because I go right from home to the gym. Then after the gym, I shower, have a shake and it's about time for bed.

I tried makng my post w/o shakes more fortified by making them with milk, cottage cheese, peanut butter or possibly fruit (banana, blueberries). I want to know if I should still try to have a dinner with whole foods, and if so, what kind of meal that time of night (other than the shake)?

My diet & training plan are a combo of building new muscle and burning existing fat. So lift for bulk but run for fat loss. I and 5'9" and weight about 150 lbs. My daytime diet (meal every 2.5 hrs) is high in protein (eggs, tuna, whey, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, poultry) and vegetables (spinach, carrots, broccoli, peppers, tomatoes).

Any advice you could give me around w/o meals would be great (esp. post workout & late night meals).

PS - The only supplements I take are NO explode pre-w/o (shake usually 1 hr before) and a multivitamin.
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Ditch the NO explode. 90% of what's in it is useless. if you want creatine, buy creatine, not NO xplode.

Ditch the second shake and eat some real food at your last meal. sipping a shake during workout is an acceptable way to have a shake. but eat whole food at 9-9:30 since a shake won't stick with you for 8 hours in bed.

I'd also ditch the cardio after weights. and definitely get some fast digesting protein in you after the early morning fasted cardio. you don't wanna tear down muscle.
Thanks for the advice!

I usually have my mid-workout shake right before my post-workout cardio so do you think I am still hurting muscle growth?

As for my early morning cardio, I have 10g of whey with a cup of coffee before hand then right after I have breakfast (3-4 egg white omlette with veggies & low-fat or fat-free cheese and either 1/4 grapefruit or 1 cup oatmeal w/ coffee&milk). And I hydrate constantly on water & green-tea.

I take the NO stuff because I've heard it will help me lift more weight during my routine - Is that true?
Stop doing cardio altogether to get optimal muscle gain.

Cardio during a bulk won't magically keep you lean while building muscle, it just complicates things and halts your gains.
Change in plan

I've decide that it might be the best move to ditch the preworkout NO Xplode and just have a dinner (fish or chicken with veggies). This means i'm going to have to push my workout back later (start around 8-830p and end arounhd 9 - 930)Here is the new question....I've heard that a PostWO shake should be consist mainly of whey & dex. Is this a good type of shake to have before bed?? Could I use a GNC PM Protein shake with some dex to to get some caesin protein in before bed?

Any advice would be much appreciated - I'm tired of just having NO Xplode an protein shakes for my late meals.
definately not a good idea to have dex before bed. you want some sort of slow-digesting casein or micellar protein before bed.

I use MHP Probolic 12-hour Muscle Feed, and it's been working great.
I wouldn't load up on too many carbs at bed...however if you just worked out hard, your body NEEDS those sugar carbs.

You can dip as low as a 1:1 ratio of protein:carbs in your PWO shake and still be replenishing glycogen, as well as helping creatine get into muscle cells due to the insulin spike.

So a 30g protien, 30g dextrose shake at 9pm wouldn't kill you.

Your tiny amount of cardio, after weights, really doesn't require you drink another shake during workout.

or better, start drinking your PWO as you finish weights, and finish it during cardio. If you water it down a little more it'll be more sippable.

then when you're home for 30 mins, have that last whole food meal, mostly protein and veggies.