Sport late night snack

Sport Fitness
Quick question:

I'm often up late night, and I have a bad habit of having a late night snack. I've heard that this is pretty bad for you, giving yourself energy and then not using it. So I was wondering, how long should you wait to go to sleep after you've eaten?
Quick question:

I'm often up late night, and I have a bad habit of having a late night snack. I've heard that this is pretty bad for you, giving yourself energy and then not using it. So I was wondering, how long should you wait to go to sleep after you've eaten?

It actually not as bad as you think. During sleep you can't get food to your body so your body starts catoblism which is the break down of muscle (the bodies prefered method of getting energy...) Alot of bodybuilders take BCAA's in the middle of there sleep. If your going to have a mid-night snack just make it light and protein filled like a turkey slice for example.
^^^^^ biggy....keeps you having less amount of hours for catoblism crap to kick in-cottage cheese, low fat yogurt :D
In approximation sense of things, on average (with the understanding this just an estimate), a person burns about 60 to 80c per hour when sleeping (with the understanding size and weight making a difference) and we can fairly conclude the body does slow down. However, I believe what matters MOST is the 24 hour approximate cycle coupled with whether you are or are not in a caloric deficit.

For example: If at 9pm, your caloric intake to this point is say, 1900, and your approximated MT Line is say, 2400, and your 24 hour cycle ends at 7am in the morning the next day, you could consume a moderate amount of calories (clean food of course), and still be in deficit, and be okay in my opinion. I believe its the END RESULT that matters the most on the average healthy person (some are sensitive to certain nutirents and this is a whole different approach on things).

I have eaten before bed, for example, but I am still in deficit, and have a habitual habit of changing my 24 hour clock cycle (or just not keeping it the same for very long--no other reason other than thinking I dont want my body to get used to the same feeding cycle, and thus change it)
of course it's a big no-no if you are heading for the pantry and grabbing chips or cookies or something :) but assuming that's not the case.. it can be a good thing.
of course it's a big no-no if you are heading for the pantry and grabbing chips or cookies or something :) but assuming that's not the case.. it can be a good thing.

who the hell has a pantry now days???