Sport late night digestion

Sport Fitness
Hi all

Just wanted your thoughts on late night eating.
Due to my busy schedule - full time job and 2 small kids, the only time i get to work out is around 8:30 - 9pm. I am usually finished by 9:30pm.
For my work out i do 25 mins on spin bike plus 10 mins of light dumbell exercises.
Now as i am a thin framed person, i like to replenish my workout with some healthy food afterwards. I usually have a sandwich with cottage cheese or peanut butter and a banana. But then i am still hungry and then have other food like nuts or crackers and hummus.
Sometimes i can still be eating within an hour of going to bed.
Is this bad for my digestion. or is it because i am eating healthy food it is ok ?

Does anyone have any opinion on this ?


eating before bed is fine if you're within your calorie limits for your goals.

cardio before not good.
and only 10 minutes of light almost not worth the effort. why not lift some real weight?
What about a high protein low carb and fat snack like cottage cheese to help with protein synthesis? I have also read that casein protein is helpful as well.
Thanks CSP - i do have low fat cottage cheese in a sandwich after my workout - i will look into that other protein..

Malkore - i actually do the weights before cardio. I know they are puny weights - gotta start somewhere right ?
Thanks CSP - i do have low fat cottage cheese in a sandwich after my workout - i will look into that other protein..

Malkore - i actually do the weights before cardio. I know they are puny weights - gotta start somewhere right ?

I don't think Malkore means the weight of the weights that u use, yet 10 minutes of weight lifting doesnt do much. Thats just enough time for some curls. I think you should try and do atleast 20 minutes of weights atleast 2 body parts a day. Just a though