last stubborn 10 pounds, what supplement to take?

im 22 yrs female, 5'5 weighing 135. i would like to go down to 125 or even 120. i workout 5-6 times a week. alternating body parts in weigh lifting and do cardio 45-60 minutes daily.

i would want something to accelerate my weigh loss . ive been on the fatsmash diet for about 2 months and its been great. i was just thinking a supplement can help me achieve my goals faster :)
Yes, There is a supplement you can take. Please allow me to introduce or re-introduce this for you, and at my pleasure:

The Supplement Pill:

There is a Supplement (fat burner) pill:

One walks in their...Supplement Pillbox....everyday.

Its you and the body.

And, every time you continue your diet and exercise, you take one pill out of the box toward your goal.

Yes, there is a Supplement pill. Its you. And, you walk within it everyday.

An opposite Thought:

A Supplement Poison Pillbox:

One walks in this Supplement Pillbox......everyday.

Every time you make an excuse to not exercise (when scheduled) or inappropriately cheat on the diet, you take one pill from this box against your goal

Yes, there is a Supplement Poison Pillbox, and you walk in this everyday you make an inappropriate choice when dealing with the natural human impulses of the body.

Answer: Be the Magic Pill.

You can be friend or foe to yourself and sometimes both. Think about it. The truest form of wisdom is learning to deal with yourself.

The last few pounds depends on your prior dieting history v activity. And, dependent on these, tweaking the diet v activity ratios to stimulate a change if your plateauing or fat loss has slowed.

There is no magic pill other than you and you walk within this every day.

My name is Chillen, and I welcome you to the forum, and wish you the best of luck on your goals. Any questions on tweaking the diet, etc. Please ask. I will not suggest a supplement for fat loss, because there isnt one, other than yourself and mind.