Larrabee Here!

Hey everyone,

you might know me as one of two host for The FitCast. Jenn reccomended this forum so I decided to join and help out as much as possible with my knowledge.

If you don't know what The FitCast is, it is basically a free weekly fitness radio show that you can download through iTunes or directly from

I host it along with Dr. John K. Williams, co-author of Gourmet Nutrition and writed for Men's Fitness.

So far we have had Eric Cressey, John Berardi, Lou Schuler, Craig Ballatyne, Bill Hartman, Chad Waterbury, Cassandra Forsythe, and this week we have Alwyn Cosgrove.

I look forward to talking to you all,

take care,
Hey KEv glad to see you here. Your knowledge will definately help out a lot of people on here. You may even see me vent (yes I actually get mad sometimes :D) There a lot of newbies on this forum and many need a lot of guidance and knowledge. Cool that you came :D
this place need some work, but we can rebuild him. :)

But to be honest its great to see the enthusiasm on this site, I like it alot!
Larrabee said:
this place need some work, but we can rebuild him. :)

But to be honest its great to see the enthusiasm on this site, I like it alot!
It has that in big supply, with a little redirection it can be an above average fitness site :D
I got 30 in like 90 minutes. Watch out man,