Ladies Help! Questions about Romance...

With all the testosterone mulling around on this forum, I feel it's time to down a glass of soy milk and up the estrogen for a change.

My Query:

I'm an english-speaking Canadian with an Italian background. I'm learning Italian right now and am picking it up pretty quickly. My question to all the ladies is: if a guy can speak Italian, does that make him more, less, or just as appealing as if he only spoke English?

When I become familiar enough with the language, do you think it would be a viable means of flirting? Would you be turned on if a guy whispered some romantic Italian into your ear, or would you be more like: "buddy, get real..."

If performed tastefully and not overdone to the point of being annoying, do you think it would be sweet and romantic or a little too lovey-dovey?

Also, ladies feel free to post what really gets you going (romantically, not necessarily sexually, though I'm well aware romance and sex walk hand in hand).

And guys feel free to post your own romance questions.
I honestly couldn't care less if a guy can speak another language. My first boyfriend spoke Norwegian fluently, but personally I don't think that's the sexiest language in the world. (Sorry Karky :))

Some women may like the idea of Italian though. I don't know. It doesn't do much for me.

If you want to pick up a girl, just be yourself.

Oh, and what gets me going romantically. If the guy is confident, polite and treats me as an equal in every way, that's all I need.
Italian, hmm?

I am not one to say if I wouldn't like Italian spoken in my ear or not. It has to be the right time, and I don't want to be confused by it; I want to be turned on by it.
Communication is best spoken in a stare or an expression.
I want lust more than lovey dovey, and passion more than love.
All women secretly desire a tender tiger.
We never want the 'fire' to go away, we just want it tenderly.
LOL Krak ^^ It would turn me on ;)

IMO i think saying some Italian sh1t in a woman's ear is corny. But thats my opinion.

You could try it if you wanted, but if you were around most English girls where i am, they'd probably think you were slightly weird :D
Unless she spoke Italian too it'd just come across as sleezy as it would be obvious you were only doing it to impress her. However, if you were to take her on a date to an Italian restaurant and speak to the waiter in Italian then that'd probably impress her

It's a bit like owning a flashy car; if you offer her a lift home and walk her over to your Ferrari she might be impressed but if you were to start the date by waving your car keys in her face she'd think you were a jerk.
If they find out naturally it'll have a bigger impact ;)
Unless she spoke Italian too it'd just come across as sleezy as it would be obvious you were only doing it to impress her. However, if you were to take her on a date to an Italian restaurant and speak to the waiter in Italian then that'd probably impress her

It's a bit like owning a flashy car; if you offer her a lift home and walk her over to your Ferrari she might be impressed but if you were to start the date by waving your car keys in her face she'd think you were a jerk.
If they find out naturally it'll have a bigger impact ;)

Yes Sir!
I can totally see where you're coming from CCR, and thanks for the responses everyone.

Actually, I work in an Italian restaurant. Do you think that if I meet a girl and we're flirting and making some small talk, and the topic of work arises, I can mention where I work and then give her a cute compliment in Italian and take it from there?

I know all this is very corny. I'm just wondering if it's the good kind of corny that makes a girl smile, or the bad kind of corny that makes her roll her eyes. Depends on the situation and on the girl, of course, but a shy guy who is well-versed in a romantic language has to be considered at least a little mysterious, no?