Ladder Sets Method? Any Advice Please =)

Hi everyone.

I train on my power tower, Pullups, Dips and Pushups.

For Pushups I do many types of different sets, changing the amount of seconds descending etc.

But for Pullups and Dips, I started using the Ladder Set workout, 2 workouts out of 3 a week.

It's the one for example when you do 1-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1 And in between each step of the Ladder, I rest 15 seconds. So many small sets, Very little rest and big total score

I wanted to know what You guys, Professionals or anything, anyone that works out seriously, what do you think of this Method? Have you ever used it, is it effective?

I used to train to failure, so with the Ladder method instead I get like 3 times the total amount of reps and somehow I don't feel as tired. Is it good for muscle mass growth? I usually do Ladders up to when I'm done like 1-2-1, so I do all I can.

Thankyou for reading :)
I don't have a lot of experience with ladders, but my intuitive response is that it's probably better for cardio and for greasing the move than building muscle. Same reason why, with the same level of resistance, 3 sets of 10 is probably better than 10 sets of 3 for building muscle, while the 10 sets of 3 will probably be better for ingraining consistent technique.

Of course, at the end of the day, I'm only guestimating, and only trial+error will clear out the effectiveness of this routine. If it's working for you so far, which it sounds like it is, keep at it and report back.
^Cheers Bro.

So Yeah that's a good example.

How do you compare like 3x10 and 10x3. Either I do that, and rest longer ofcourse between sets, or I do the ladders.

You're right,, may induce more cardio and resistance work. As it involves very brief sets, a ladder feels like one very long set. Also, I add that this type is maybe in Between 3x10 or 10x3, as in One set you start from 1 and maybe get to a set of 6, and then you unwind back.

Oh well, I'll try another week and see how I feel. I will report back, and Thankyou for your Advice man.

As I'm at it though I can't resist asking you another question if I may ofocourse... *lol*

So, out of nowhere, say it is more for resistance or whatever, what actually is resistence, compared to mass and strenght? I know sorry it's a hard question, but I still never figured it out.

To be honest regardless of the toning and definition, what is the best method for increasing the Max effort set? That is my Goal as you asked in the other thread, after all I want to workout to increase my maximum number of reps in one set.

Thankyou and have a nice day.
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When I asy "same level of resistance" above, what I mean is the same weight. So, in the 3x10 vs 10x3 example, both are performed with, say, a 150lb load by the same lifter. If you've got the strength to do 3x10 with the weight, then 10x3 at the same weight probably won't carry over to as optimal hypertrophy. Both would make you grow, but the 3x10 would probably have a greater growth stimulus. Meanwhile, 10x3 at that weight may be better for technique or power work.

So, to be clear, resistance is just the amount of weight you're moving. "Mass" is typically used to refer to your size and weight, especially muscular size and weight. "Strength" is typically used to refer to performance under load. Some people think that strength is just your 1RM (1 rep max; the most weight you can lift for 1 full rep without assistance), but that's more accurately your "max strength." Most real world strength lies somewhere between max strength and endurance.

If you want to increase the amount of reps you can do in 1 set, in my experience, the best method is training beyond the point of failure, requiring a spotter to assist you up but not using the spotter on the negative if at all possible. From what I've experienced an observed, the body seldom develops more endurance than it needs, so doing lots of sets with less reps doesn't seem to be ideal (however, the low amount of rest between your sets may counter this inhibition to some degree). Case in point, when I was doing Starting Strength, I could get to weights where most people would stop at 3 reps, and grind out 2 more reps with good form. But to do even 1 more rep beyond that, I'd have to strip about 20% of the weight off the bar, and sets of 10 with even 30%1RM killed me, whereas most peoples' 10RMs are about 75%1RM.
Thankyou very Much Ryan,very Nice of you, and such a pleasure for me to read some Professional advice.

Okay man, well, for now I'm doing 6 workout days a week, but 3 out of 6 are legs and abs on the 'rest' day, the other 3 are my main upper body workout, and I do 2 days with Ladder sets and 1 final Max out set, and One day (last of the week) with the 3 Sets of 10 reps each, 3x10 type on Fridays.
So in a way, It's almost half and half, or atleats, It is Mixed up. =)
This is the second week I do it, I'll see how it goes.

Yesterday honestly my totals we're a tiny bit lower than last time, these things nag me but in fitness I learned that the biggest hardest exercise is to accept the hard times and not give up when your work seems to only fail.

I guess I was tired as **** and I have neck pain too which really bloody annoyes me with pullups... I spend more time out than in the house and when I get home I'm nackered... And all I wanna do is Workout, and I manage, but literally I want to REST. ^_^

Thankyou very much again =)
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No problem. Sounds like you've got a lot of training on your plate, and I'm getting the sense that you push yourself, so I think you'll do well.
No problem. Sounds like you've got a lot of training on your plate, and I'm getting the sense that you push yourself, so I think you'll do well.

Hell Yeah man! :) Thankyou again for the help and believing in my effort :)
