Weight-Loss Lactose Intolerant



New member
Can some of you please give me some suggestions of food to get calcium from aside from milk or dairy?

I am very lactose intolerant, but I do eat cheese sometimes, can't have milk, yogurt, or ice cream.

Oh, I also tried those lactese pills, they make me really sick too.
Broccoli is apparently very high in calcium. ;)

Other than that, you can always take calcium tablets, too.
Thanks Maverick and busy91, I love broccoli!!
I'll try that. Does the calcium content lower if it's cooked? I'm not a fan of raw broccoli :-(
Thanks Maverick and busy91, I love broccoli!!
I'll try that. Does the calcium content lower if it's cooked? I'm not a fan of raw broccoli :-(

Most of the times if you cook your veggies, the nutritions are cooked out of it. Raw is always better. Try some with dip and then eventually, get rid of the dip. Yummy!
WH Foods (world's healthiest foods) a very informative website that has tons of recipes and cooking tips and really good info says Spinach, and assorted greens are good sources of calcium..
Raw is always better.

Nope. Cooking makes the nutrients in some vegetables more available. Onions, garlic, spinach, kale, tomatoes (with respect to lycopene), for example.

Nothing wrong with raw vegetables, and even brief steaming does have an impact on nutrient values. But raw isn't always better, depending on the specific food and the specific nutrient.
If you want to try another method of fixing your LI, read on...

Not that this will work for you... I used to be very lactose intolerant (but not overtly allergic). I did a crap ton of reading about it and almost ordered a regimen of pills to increase the bacteria flora in my gut (but didn't quite do that). Low bacteria flora in the intestines is what causes MOST of lactose intolerance.

Here's what worked for me to solve my LI. I did not eat dairy for two weeks (took Viactin for calcium at the time). After the two weeks, I started eating one high bacteria yogurt per day. After a week or two of that, I started eating two high bacteria yogurts per day.

There's one important caveat. MOST yogurts (even the "active" ones) are too aggressive when they pasteurize the yogurt and actually KILL the bacteria. So you have to find a yogurt that simply meets the minimum pasteurization specs. Stony Field is one of them (dunno if available in your area). Fruit on the bottom types are better than the mixed up types in preserving the bacteria. They even have soy yogurt available now.

High intestinal bacteria is also very good for the immune system, allegedly.

Broccoli is an awesome food too!
Dark leafy greens and nuts are good sources of calcium. Check out this chart for more options!