Lack Of Sleep

I haven't had more than 2 nights in a row where i got morethan 6 hours of sleep in a row in morethan 25 years... I've read bunches that getting enough sleep

(however much enough is depends on the person _ i can survive on 4 hours of sleep a night...

Has not sleeping made a difference in this weight loss attempt? I don't think so - was my insomnia responsible for my weight gain? Nope that'd be too easy to blame...

You should get plenty of rest, because it does help you out in the long run.... but how much rest youor body needs is really up to your body..

Like mal, I rarely get more than 6 hours a night. However, I am used to that, others are not. I think the most important factor, for me at least, is that if I am not getting enough sleep I feel tired during the day. When I am already tired it is just that much harder to drag myself into a workout. Bottom line. If I am too tired from lack of sleep, I won't work out efficiently, if at all.

Are there any foods that you can eat that help with sleep, relaxation or stress reduction, anything like that?
Are there any foods that you can eat that help with sleep, relaxation or stress reduction, anything like that?

I have researched this til the cows come home - and everything from turkey to warm baths to that revolting chamomille tea to various herbs are all supposed to help... not in my case... all those things make you sleepy but whe your brain doesn't shut off - you can't jump over that final hurdle to sleep