Lack of muscle soreness

As the title states, I seem to be lacking that intense soreness after I lift as of late. I can tell you that my form is good, I have increased in weight pushed and during the session I feel the muscle group being worked..and worked hard. The muslce feels very firm also, but I am just not sore as of late.

Does this indicate something to me?
indicates that you are more used to working out. Soreness doesn't necessarily mean you had a good workout. weights.

Last night was my heavy chest day. benched 260 8 times. Inclined dumbells 65 at 8. Decline bench and dumbells and dumbell press 90 at 8 times. All 4 sets.

Even ripped out 20something push ups and dips after that.

I'm not sore one bit. :confused:
I posted a question about this in the wellness section. CCR had a great post there. go check it out.

Basically you are used to training now. I don't get sore either, unless I try something new. Even then it has to be so new its muscles I haven't hit. weights.

Last night was my heavy chest day. benched 260 8 times. Inclined dumbells 65 at 8. Decline bench and dumbells and dumbell press 90 at 8 times. All 4 sets.

Even ripped out 20something push ups and dips after that.

I'm not sore one bit
. :confused:

Keep in mind, increases in muscle mass and your strength come from placing progressive overloads on your muscles primarily through resistance training.

Soreness is a different issue.

The notion that it's necessary to experience pain / soreness in order to have optimal muscle growth - in other words, in order to build muscle, you have to experience pain ( i.e ' pain for gain ' ) - is a myth.

There's all kinds of pro & amateur weightlifters, power lifters and bodybuilders who train very hard at very high levels of intensity ( much more than you or I do ) who pack on muscle just fine - with no soreness.