La Muscle Norateen Heavyweight Ii

I recently noticed an advert for this stuff in Rugby World. I followed it up on the net and it seems to be really popular stuff. Im just slightly worried about the stuff in it.It SAYS that it has certain ingredients that increase growth hormone and testosterone, but it 100% legal.

Is it wise to mess about with the hormones at my age (16). I just dont want to end up ruining myself.

Heres the info on it
Its never wise to mess with your hormon system, besides at 16 you have horomones raging crazy as is - you'll never have it easier to grow than now.
bad idea at 16.

and your Spidey-sense is right...something smells fishy when they say flat out it'll boost HGH and Test, but its legal without a doctor's prescription (at least in the USA).
in the US, the FDA has banned any formerly legal supp that actually boosted testosterone.
most of them were kinda weak, and had similar (and weaker) side effects as anabolic steroids.

not exactly dangerous, but not exactly safe in 'noob hands' either. so the FDA saved the stupid/impatient/curious people from themselves....once again.
