Sport Know any good high protein pancake recipies

Sport Fitness
I LOVE pancakes and i wanted to know if any of you have healthy pancake recipies that contain high amounts of protein. It would be good if the ingrdients for the pancakes involved vanilla whey protein powder and oatmeal.
Actually there is a great whole grain high protein pancake recipe i use, give it a try.

3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup Whey tasteless powder (sometimes i add choc whey for something different)
1 1/2 cup skim milk
1 tsp. baking powder (add 1/2 tsp. more for waffles)
1/2 tsp. salt
4 egg whites
1/4 cup olive oil

Mix ingredients. Blend well. Sit for 5 minutes. Pour into waffle or griddle. If you want a little extra kick you can top with flax seed at the end.

If all that is too much trouble or you just like ease you could give this a try, though i haven't tried it.
Just be careful of the heat you use. It can skew the properties of the protein a bit at a high temp.

Trim milk - 400ml
Rolled Oats - 100g
Wholemeal Flour - 1T
Baking Powder - 2t
Eggs - 2 (seperated)

Heat milk to just below boiling point, remove from heat, add rolled oats and sugar. Stir well and cool.

Sift Flour, baking powder and salt together in a large bowl

Add the cool mixture and stir well.

Beat the egg yolks lightly and stir into mixture.

Beat the egg whites in a dry bowl until stiff and peaky lightly fold into pancake batter.

Heat a large non-stick fry pan and cook over a medium heat

When bubbles appear on top turn and cook until golden.


Total Energy - 870g
Protein - 15.5g
Total Carbohydrate - 26.5g
Fibre - 3g
Total Fat - 4.3g
