knee problem

Has anyone ever had this problem after running. After running 4 miles my knee feels like it needs to pop. Anyone eles have this problem?
Or could it be water inbetween my joints?? Never had this before.
I do a fair amount of running, and suffer like a dog after with pain in my knees. What type of runners do you wear? I saw a chiro and believe me it helped alot. He showed me some excercises and stretches, and also gave me some advice as to what type of runners were suited for me.

" If you focus on results, you'll never change, If you focus on change, you'll get results"
that miserable knee pain

i have a similar problem with my knee(s)
if i run after not running for a few days or if i bike for more than 5 miles or so on any given day, my left knee mainly is so painful. i think years ago i may have injured or tore something and it just gets inflamed every now and again. it feels like a band from the top of the knee, around the side and to the bottom, mostly on the inside.
running is tough on knees i think but i cant stop doing it, i really enjoy it :)