I'll just mention one thing, because this often gets overlooked in home knee rehabiltation - proprioception training.
Proprioceptors are nerves in you body which tell the brain which position the joints are in. If they are functioning very well (think gymnasts, ballet dancers, etc) then you are unlikely to roll over on your ankle or something like that.
When you are in pain there is a tendency to limit your normal range of motion, to avoid exacerbation - so these nerves don't get the use they require.
The simplest way to retrain then is by standing on one leg, for about 30 secs at a time, a few times a day. While you're brushing your teeth is a good idea (it becomes routine and is twice a day minimum).
The important thing is to think about something else (eg. watching TV) so that you're not conciously doing it but allowing the balance centres in the brain to do the work. Progress to doing it with your eyes closed. This exercise applies for back problems, ankles, knees, even neck.