Sport Kind of Different, Lactose Intolerance

Sport Fitness
I'm unsure how many of you actually suffer from lactose intolerance, but I imagine there may be some. Well unfortunately I'm one of those that have lactose intolerance as well. Being unable to eat dairy products on a daily basis growing up really affected my health, but I was able to get by with products like Lactaid.

I recently started on a product called Lactagen by a company called Ritter Nutrition. I decided to give up Lactaid since my money spent on it just kept accumulating over the years. Now Lactagen is a powder based supplement you take for 38 days and it supposedly rids lactose intolerance forever. Even as I take this now I'm still skeptical, but it's a money back guarantee so I decided what the hell, why not? I'm about 2 weeks into it and I notice small differences but nothing major yet. So my question is, has anyone heard/used Lactagen before? If so, was it actually successful? I'd like to hear people's opinions on this Lactagen product.
I'm lactose intolerant and didn't realize it until age 14. I used to take lactaid for back in the day but I still got a little sick from dairy products. The only products that gave me trouble were whole milk and ice cream. I now use soy cheese, Almond Breeze ( as a milk substitute) and yogurt. The yogurt only gives me trouble if I have large quantities of it. I've heard of Lactagen, but I'm not really interested in trying it...the idea that this supplement is going to forever rid of anyone of lactose intolerance is kind of...sketchy.
I have reactions to dairy products, on cutting them out noticed a reduction in the size of my stomach (bloating) and sinus problems (I can now sleep on my back at night time!) I have however never had a test to prove it either way.

I would be very wary of a product promising a miracle cure- if such a product were to exist I'd have though most major health systems would have gotten hold of it, that it would be given to most small children who are lactose intollerant- due to the bone issues that lack of calcium can bring (there are calcium alternatives but not everyone takes them) and I just don't buy it. I have seen too many "drop 100lbs" guarentee risk free whatever you want to call it type scams to believe anything like this. Cynical? maybe, sensible? I think so.

Maybe ask your doctor what he/she thinks, someone with a medical background may be able to help you with evidence as to weather it works such as trials, tests and real life stories.