Weight-Loss Killing the Cravings



New member
Any good tips?

my schedual is hetic and i eat later than normal. I go to bed around 1 or 2 am, but seem to always get hungry right before....like tonight i caved in and ate some ramen noodles. it was good, but I can fell it going to my stomach:(
Difficult isn't it? I still sometimes get the munchies late. It could be that you need to eat more earlier - or at least, consume more fibre, and drink more water. You could have a later snack on some fruit. I often have a bowl of mixed nuts and or seeds, covered with low fat plain yoghurt late in the evening. I have read that before bedtime is a good time to take fats such as those in nuts. However, don't take my word for it - and if you are cutting calories, count those cals in the nuts.