Kid with his dad.

Seen this kid with his dad and he was ovyesly making his son workout but he was like ten years old and curling like 10 kg bars. never seen a kid so young before in my gym or any gym for that matter but he was pretty into it so good on him :) when i think about it i wish i started at like 12.
Most gyms in the UK are for over 18's only. I wouldn't like having to train alongside kids
Unless if he's one these man kids (i know a guy who has been shaving since he was 11!) then he should be doing bodyweight and light resistance work. I really can't imagine a 10 year old strolling about my gym lifting heavy weights. It just seems wrong.
and obviously, that's connected?

I agree though, 10 year olds shouldn't be running around in gyms. They don't have the maturity to understand that it can be dangeoraus. Now, kids training supervised in a gym that's not crowded with a lot of grown ups doing stuff, I have no problem with. But one should encourage CNS "strenghtening" over muscle work, IMO.
CCR im sure its 16 for UK gym's. Some gyms dont even care that much, but i think my gym is 16, although i see the odd person who looks like 13..
but it has nothing to do with pumping iron, so let's not even pretend. offcource ****ed up parents can cause ****ed up kids, I never said it couldn't. so shut up.