Kettlebell and bodywieght routine help

Hey all,
I was talking to my friend about my new routine and he said that this forum is a great place for help and advice.
I'm 6ft2 165 pounds. 20 years old.
Basically I'm doing random workouts with Kettlebells at the moment and I wanted to make my self a routine, this is what I have so far ( I don't have access to a gym this is all done in my garden )

week 1-4
M: Get-ups 5 minutes
T: Pull-ups, then Swing/jogging
W: Push-ups
Th: Squats, then CC Leg Raises
F: Get-ups
Sa: Swing/jogging
Su: Off

week 5+
M: clean&press + snatches pull ups (light day)
T: Squats + Leg raises
W:clean&press + swings (medium day)
Th: push ups
F: Off
Sa: clean&press + swing (heavy day)
Su: Off

Do you think I'll be overloading any muscle on any day? or if I shouldn't do two of the exercises on the same day? Basically any advice would be much appreciated.
There's no way of knowing if you'll be over-doing it without knowing things like sets and reps. But given that the first session on the list is only 5min long, if the other sessions are anything like that, I think you're pretty safe.