Keeping the tradition - #1000

OK, i have to be honest, usually i roll my eyes when someone announces their 1000th, 2000th, 3000th, etc. post but hypocritically I've decided to inform you all that i have now reached the not so elite club of people who have posted 1000 times on this board. Having been here for over two years and at only 1.25 posts/day i like to think that at least a couple hundred of those thousand have been useful to users on here.

The other 800 have most likely been a mixture of; petty arguments (most notably with ~LV~....we're cool now though i think...for the time being anyways), me being a smartarse, asking questions (back in the day), pointless two word responses (hey, everyone does it), offering my insightful two cents, contributing to irrelevant and fun discussions (mostly here in the members lounge), starting threads of my own, sarcastic responses (which i don't think alot of you have picked up on in my posts)...and just chatting in general...

I'm probably not as a valuable member as i could be on here and was contemplating the old "clean slate" after 1000...but i doubt I'm gonna hold true to that...'Til number 2000. :beerchug:
It's about dad-gum time you hit 1000. :)
Grats on 1000 - :)

Honestly, the majority of your sarcastic posts made me laugh from time to time because they were funny. It was just those few that may have been borderline offensive that i didn't find humor in but who am I to judge. As mods, we have to keep some sort of order here but anyway......

Congrats again, and here is to 1000 more...:beerchug:
LOL im going to hijack this thread

1000 posts for me...yay..we can both celebrate