Keeping fit


A quick question:

Should I be able to run 5Km in 18 min or less, if I run it three times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Saturday), will it keep me fit? I.e. keep me at that fitness level?
There are so many variables involved, that no one can answer that question.

Have you run before?
Whats your current fitness level?
Prior running experience?

The questions could go on and on. Give us a little more info about yourself.
More information is needed to answer that. If you're trying to get fit you're focus should not be on distance, but the amount of time you're working out for. You should aim for at least 30 minutes of cardio.

Also, doing the same workout/exercise will not help you in getting more fit. You're body will get used to that workout and will not be working harder than it needs to. You need mix up your cardio and exercises.
A couple of additional thoughts:
1. if you have long legs with respect to your height, running 5K in 18 minutes is obtainable for most healthy individuals, however if you have short legs, running 5K in 18 minutes may be almost the minimum time you could ever reach and will require you to be in the best running shape you can ever achieve.
2. a good long term schedule for running workouts would be 20 minutes (approx 5K) twice a week and 40 minutes (approx 10K) once a week. You might replace the 20 minutes session with a HIIT or Tabata session once a week for some variety. That should be more than enough running to attain and maintain near maximum cardiovascular health. Anything more than that over the long term may eventually lead to over use injuries.
Yes you can run 5 km in 18 min or even less, but its all depends on your present fitness... tell us more about your current body type like your age, height, earlier experience of running, type of illness, if any etc. then it would be easy to predict or answer your question....