Sport Kcal and cal

Sport Fitness
I have been reading the label on food products, some use kcal and some use
cal. Which one is greater and what is the conversion? Anyone knows?
for the purposes of food, ALL calories are technically kilo calories.

no need to convert anything, unless a label says a piece of bread is 126,000 calories. in that case, they are truely using calories, so you'd convert it 126 kilo calories, or Calories (with an uppercase C).
right a serving of Pepsi is actually 150,000 calories, or 150 Calories (notice the lower case vs. upper case 'C'? upper case implied KiloCalories)

as I said, EVERYTHING you eat is gonna be expressed in Kilo Calories, so there is no conversion.

Unless you are a chemist, its unlikely you'll EVER have a need to work with calories.
A calorie is the quantity of thermal energy required to raise one gram of water 1°C at 15°C

Here's some detailed reading if you still don't get it