

New member
Hello everyone
My name is karen and i have started cohens on the 24/6/06. its been strange really seeing what i have accomplished in such a small time but now things seem to be slowing. (is this the norm?) I started at 102kg and have now lost 9kg. 30kg to go!!! Seems such a long way off!
I have stuck to the program without any deviations which has floored all my friends who used to have a wine or three everynight with me. i drink about 3 and a half litres of water a day does this make the weight go faster as I have heard?
Havent touched the diet softies and only eat poor old skippy as my meat as i have also heard its the leanest. I want to do everything by the letter so i can live a normal life again and give my kids the mum they deserve!
Can anyone guide me on the exercise front? do most of you do it or not?
i try to go for a walk every now and then but not as often as i should, it seems to make me hungry!!
Well thanks for listening and look forward to your inspiration and friendship.
I'm sitting here reading your post, thinking to myself, how'd she get on Cohens, and why on earth is she talking in kilograms and litres, then the light dawned... WA is not washington state but is indeed Western Australia :)

Welcome Karen...

There's a fairly lenghthy thread on Cohens that you might get your questions answered in... you'll have lots of company on the plan that you are on... :D

a 9 kg loss is awesome... that 30 kg isn't as far off as you think.. hang in there...

Skippy = kangaroo meat? I had that once.. i really enjoyed that and i beleive it is very lean...

welcome to the site... nice to have you here