Sport K2O water

Sport Fitness
My roommate bought this K2O protein water. It has 30 calories, 0g fat, 7g carbs (5g fiber, 0g sugar), and 5g protein. What do you think. The protein is just whey protein, but it does have a decent amount of fiber in it. The fiber source i believe is polydextrose, because i cant find anything else that could possibly be considered fiber on the ingredients list. What do you think?
eh, for the price I bet its not worthwhile. 26g of whey protein costs about forty cents. A serving of oatmeal has about that much fiber, and some of it is the 'good' insoluble type, while that water no doubt is 100% soluble fiber (which is not 'bad' but its not as good as a mix of both...found in oatmeal).

I'd drink that water before I drank a can of Coke, that's for sure :)
Ha ok thanks malklore. And no I'm not saying it's a great product, but my roommate paid for it and we share all of our food, so I was wondering if its something worth drinking. Obviously its not the best place if you want to get fiber and protein, but it seems like a handy little drink to have on hand.