Justin's Diary


New member
Hello everyone. I never thought I would be here and I am not good at this "expressing myself" but here i go... I am 22 years old and just got medically retired from getting hurt in Iraq in United States Airforce, Married for 2 years. When I got hurt my life changed because my body slowed down producing HGH (growth hormone) causing me to gain excessive weight (as in i went from 185 to 385 in 6 months) I was stuck to bed and I still believe the only way i made it through it was my wife next to me every day. Sorry if I am going on and on but in order for me to expect to recive help I must spill it all out. Once I gained the weight my life changed, on Dec 24 my wife and my perfect life just went to nothing, no longer a Special Operations troop and my wife left me for another man because I was too much of a burden (sickness and weight). It hurt me and now I am determined to get my life in order even though things have changed and I lost what meant the most to me.

My goal is to get down to 14% body fat. I plan to loose this fast (or so I hope) for I am a very determined person and will not let this get me down. After she left me Today was my first day I have ate (so being its not right i guess I did get a good start). I plan on working this weight off on a 750 cal diet, with 90 min cardio 3x a day. One set before every meal. Very simple diet but we used it for us when whe gained 5 + lbs in special ops and its fast... VERY FAST.

As far as support... I really just need friends who can see what its like to be like this (guess this is the right spot :) heh ) and just talk them through it and have them support me too. I know my goal should be achieved within 9 months tops and I believe this is a very capable goal.

For everyone there who is doing a diet now (no matter what diet it is) let me tell you from a person who gained the weight fast, IT IS WORTH IT TO LOOSE. This world is a mean place and people will judge you even as a friend from your weight. And for the people who think exercise just isnt worth it, I PROMISE you that once you get in a groove of it, that you will actually begin to enjoy it and want to do it.

I will update this as much as possible to let everyone know how this goes!
Wow Justin,I"m really really sorry things went the way they did for you!! I really am. But now you have something special, this is a time for you to change things around and take control of your life!! Don't let yourself feel like the victim! You can do this! You are a strong man and you can turn things around!

Mind you I'm no expert, and you do whats best for you...but are you quite sure that 750 calories, combined with such excersize ,is healthy?? I'm really not too sure. Your the boss though, do what you see fit, but maybe you should ask a doctor if thats healthy? And please remeber, you didn't put it on overnight, don't get discouranged when it doesnt come off overnight. Just realize this will take time and stick with it, as I know you will. You sound quiet sure of yourself, determined as can be. I"m happy for you b/c you will be a success, I know you will !!
Moving on...

Now I am on my track to success, today I did mess up and only at 265 cal (but anyone who has been through a divorce can understand) I plan on moving that up though gradually. First thing I found out today about weight loss is the voice in your head (not some sick crasy thing or any thing) that is continiously telling you dont worry you did enough today etc etc.. because I now know that weight gain is really a sickness, most of us just dont want to admit it. I went out today and my doctors (due to medical conditions) dont like this but I know one thing dont let anyone tell you not to loose weight or how to do it, given short of something unhealthy. I went out today and I forced my self to run and run and run. At first i was like I am going to pass out. But I took my wifes compact with me (with a mirror) and when I was about to give up I looked in that mirrior and got instant modivation. I ran (at a sprint speed) 10 miles this morning and tonight before bed I want to take atleast 200 more cal in (as a start) and use my weights to do weight training for an hour, at lunch i also did 50 min on an exercise bike. And you know what! I FEEL GREAT!!! better than words can describe... at first it was SOOOOOOOO hard but now .. I see the real me and if anyone needs help please let me know. I dont care if you need a phone call to have the modivation we can work through this together anyone any age. Thank you all for listening to me and so far sence Dec 24 i am down 18 lbs (most i suspect is water weight) now i am not advising to loose weight that fast by any means but one thing I do know from military is exercise BEFORE you eat, trust me it helps. Love to you all and I will keep a good track so you guys know my results.
Hi justin glad to have you with us. Sorry to hear about your situation, but us here will support you the best we can. I too am a little worried about the 750 cals. Too little cals do not help weight loss, but hinder it forcing your metabolism down. Good luck with getting your appetite back and loosing the weight. Be prepared for frustration and the low points, and know nothing feels better than achieving your goals. You can do it, keep posting and we'll keep posting back.
Continuing on....

I have now been on this diet for 3 weeks and thought i would give a little update, I lost 31 pounds, and have upped my cal intake to 1350 cal a day and have an exact fomula I use for my exercise plan for every 200 cal I intake i run for a mile this is INSANE weight loss and wow do I feel good thanks again for all the support dont know if we can post pictures on here of what the difference is but my legs are actually getting bigger lol. I will keep track of how my progress goes and I will post my records on forum when I get a chance (yes I weight and 5 point body fat check every day).

WOW YOU'VE LOST 31 PDS IN 3 WKS!!! Thats incredable! I'm glad to see you've up'ed your calorie intake!! THere is a before and after section in the forum you can post pics in there! Great job! Keep us posted!!
Lots of people have asked me about what it takes to loose it this fast so I thought well i can share that. First thing first Diet should consist of 40% Protein 30% Carbs 30% fat, not sure about the ladies out there.... Then you need to figure out how many cals it takes to maintain your current body weight (approx). Here is the formula..

· First convert your weight in pounds to kilograms by using the following formula:

§ (Weight in lbs.) / (2.2) = weight in kilograms

§ So a 200 lb man would weigh 90.9 kgs.

· Now take that number and plug it into the following chart, use the appropriate one for male or female:

AGE Equation for RMR (cal/day)
0-3 (60.9 x weight) - 54
3-10 (22.7 x weight) +495
10-18 (17.5 x weight) + 651
18-30 (15.3 x weight) + 679
30-60 (11.6 x weight) + 879


0-3 (61.0 x weight) -51
3-10 (22.5 x weight) + 499
10-18 (12.2 x weight) +746
18-30 (14.7 x weight) + 496
30-60 (8.7 x weight) + 829

ya ladies you now know why you had more problems with weight at around 18 then before :/

· So continuing on the previous example, a 25-year-old man, weighing 90.9 kgs. should take in 2070 calories to maintain his current weight

§ (15.3 x 90.9) + 679 = 2070 calories

Now that you know how many calories you need to maintain your current body weight, all you have to do is have a total of calories that is less than that number at the end of the day to lose weight. In order to lose (1) pound of body weight, your body has to burn 3000 more calories than it has taken in. So, if you take in 400-500 calories less than you burn daily, in a week you will have lost about (1) pound. Also, use the following website to calculate the number of calories you have burned during your cardio to help you determine the net amount of calories your body has in it at the end of the day:

By taking the total number of calories you have eaten for the day and subtracting the amount you’ve burned through cardio exercise, you’ll have your net calories for the day. Here’s a final formula to help tie in everything:

(1) (Total Calories Eaten) – (Calories Burned During Cardio) = Net Calorie Intake

(2) (Calories Needed To Maintain Current Weight) – (Net Calorie Intake) = Diff.

(3) (Diff.) / 3000 = POUNDS LOST

So you see this is simple I was running for a couple hours a day and weight lifting plus i made it 5 -7 meals a day (therefor making my metabolizm go up up up) loosing over 1 pound a day DRINK WATER!!!!!!!!!

Now for the weight plan for the guys (and this takes no time to work 3 weeks my arms are already looking WAY better..)
Hope this helps, btw this will make you loose weight 3x faster than the cardio will because the new muscle will burn extra cals off 24 hours a day + it has to use them to repair the muscle you worked out that day.. Just a litte thought :) Sorry I wanted to loose weight fast and healthy and I wasted HOURS AND HOURS looking for best way...

Strength Training (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)

· The strength-training phase of the bodybuilding plan is one of the most important. It should be done Monday through Friday, training one individual body part a day. Each workout should last between 45-70 minutes. Try not to go over 70 minutes because you body will then begin burning too many calories which are needed to add size.

· With all exercises, use an amount of weight that allows you to get at least 6 reps and no more than 10 reps. You should perform (3) sets of each exercise with a 2-3 minute rest in between each set.

· CONCENTRATE ON GOOD FORM, NOT ON HOW MUCH YOU CAN LIFT!! This is probably the biggest mistake people make in the gym. They let their egos dictate how much they can lift instead of being realistic. Using more weight than you can handle causes you to use improper form which doesn’t work the intended muscles and it also cause injuries very quickly. Use an amount of weight that allows you to perform the exercise with almost perfect form, and concentrate on that. This will yield the biggest gains and growth in your muscle. ALWAYS USE GOOD FORM!

· Do not jump in to this program too fast. Start out slow, and don’t over do it the first few times you go through this routine. Your muscles will be plenty sore by going slow, trust me, there’s no need to do too much too fast.

* ALWAYS perform two warm-up sets before going into your normal routine. Which ever exercise you plan on doing first simply take a VERY light weight and perform 18-20 reps of exercise for two sets. This will get the blood flowing in the muscle group you are working that day and get it warmed up and ready for primary routine.

*At the end of every strength training workout, perform (3) sets of abdominal crunches to failure OR (3) sets of leg lifts until failure*

Day 1 – Monday – Chest
*Perform any (3) of the following exercises according to the routine mentioned above.

· Flat Barbell Bench Press

· Incline Barbell Bench Press

· Flat Dumbbell Bench Press

· Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

· Flat Dumbbell Flys

· Incline Dumbbell Flys

Day 2 – Tuesday – Shoulders
*Perform (3) exercises from Group A and (1) exercise from Group B

Group A

· Military Presses

· Dumbbell Presses

· Side Raises

· Arnold Presses

· Front Raises

Group B
· Barbell Shrugs

· Dumbbell Shrugs

· Upright Rows

Day 3 – Wednesday – Legs
* Perform Squats every leg workout.

* Perform (2) of the following exercises:

· Leg Presses

· Leg Extensions

· Leg Curls

· Sissy Squats

· Straight-Leg Deadlifts

* Perform (1) of the following exercises

· Standing Calf Raises

· Seated Calf Raises

· Donkey Calf Raises

· Leg Press Calf Extensions

Day 4 – Thursday - Arms
* For arms, perform supersets of biceps and triceps. This means do one set of a biceps exercise and go straight into one set of a triceps exercise. Repeat this three times, and that is one complete superset.

*Perform (3) supersets for arms in the manner mentioned above.


· Standing barbell curls

· Standing Alternate Dumbbell Curls

· Preacher Curls

· Concentration Curls

· Incline Bench Hammer Curls

· Reverse Curls

· Triceps Pushdowns

· Nose Breakers / Skull Crushers

· Close Grip Bench Press

· Overhead French Presses

· Overhead Dumbbell Extensions

· Dumbbell Kickbacks

Day 5 – Friday – Back
*Perform (2) exercises from Group A and (2) exercises from Group B

Group A
· Deadlifts

· Seated Cable Rows

· Bent-over barbell rows

· Back Dumbbell Flyes

Group B
· Pull-ups / Chin-ups

· Lat Pulldowns

· One-Hand Dumbbell Rows

Day 6 & 7 – Saturday and Sunday - Rest

Cardiovascular Exercise
· PERFORM CARDIO ON AN EMPTY STOMACH!!! When you perform cardio your body will start looking for calories and food to burn to keep up the high level of exercise it is enduring. The first place it will look is in your stomach. And if food is there, it will burn that food off first, and never tap into the energy it has stored as fat on your body. However, if your stomach is empty, it will go straight to existing fat and burn that for energy, and that is what you want while performing cardio. So the best time to perform cardio is first thing is the morning before you take in any food for the day. If you can’t do that, just try and do cardio about 2-3 hours after the last meal you’ve eaten. Both ways will work.
Your diary is brilliant, thank you for the equations for how many calories to eat. If I want to lose weight I have to be eating about 1000-1200 a day. Which is what I have been doing but I wasn't sure if it was a good amount, now I'm more confident about it. Congrats on the weight loss, and keep it up, your doing great.
Thankyou glad I could help you, My cal intake is now 1500 cal / day with 5 Protein Shakes(ya that puts me high in cal but thats what I need for training i am doing) So now my avg intake is about 2100 (after shakes) but during cardio i work off approx 1800 cal on an empty stomach so that is dropping my fat, while after cardio I work out in gym and then start my sustained 7 meals to let my body build muscle. Hope this works out... I dont want to be lean so I am trying to convert fat to muscle (nowing that isnt really possible this process makes it seem that way :p )
Ohh and another thing I am not really sure how this works but I have heard that spending some time in the sun will drop weight... Sounds stupid but hey I live in florida plenty of sun around here :) I will try that (need a tan anyway hehe)
I'd believe that. I makes sense I guess. Sunlight help release serotonins which makes you happy and relaxed, if your content your less likely to feel hungry.
Well today I decided to take my diet to the next level :) I went to a local "upper end" fitness facility. They informed me about private trainers and I said what the heck lets do it. I now have a 6 day a week private trainer for 2 hrs a day lol. It makes time fly much faster and OMG I am SOOOOOOOOOo sore. This guy is worth every penny but then again you could prob get surgery done for about the same price, if anyone lives in florida and wants info on him let me know he is about 380 lbs 6'4" and 7% body fat... this guy is HUGE!!! Cost about 7.5k / year though but I personally think he is worth it ... hehe I will sneak out some of his diet plans to you guys weird thing is he wants me to eat 3000-3500 cal / day, not sure about that but he says we will work off over 4k/ day so what the heck i will give it a try and post results :)
Hey Justin, sounds like you're doing awesome. Where in Florida do you live? I live in Orlando, I go to the University of Central Florida. Anyway, congrats on your new trainer and you success. I'll talk to you soon!
I live in Destin, I worked at Hurlburt Field Special Operations Command Base in Fort Walton Beach. So I am what about 8 hrs from you... and thanks for checking my journal
Well, today was a crappy day for my diet. I am now down 71 pounds in 5 weeks and my stupid doctor got on my case today threatening to put me into a hospital if I dont slow down. Isnt that a bunch of crap. Never heard anyone tell a fat person dont loose weight that fast. But anyway i am down to 19% body fat again and shooting for 8-9% by next month. Hope you guys plans work out good.. My exercise routine as of now is 2 hrs cardio 7 days a week, 2 hrs weight training and 1 hour working out (pushups and setups) in a sauna (think i spelt that wrong but ohh well) good luck guys hopefully i will be able to continue this, and talking to you guys here but if not just keep up the good work. I think i did push it a little today though cuz i hit 212 pulse and i know thats way above zone... but hey what dont kill you makes you stronger right :)

Yes thats right 102lbs in about a month an a half. I hit the record for the gym i am going to and wow I feel like a million bucks. I started at well over 300 and now i am actually down to 16.8% body fat yes 16.8%!!! from 34.3. For all of you out there who get doubts it can be done just stick with it. I am working for 12% then i am going to try to add weight with a 5k cal workout/strength training plan. I will let you know how it goes. Hopefully i can get down the rest in a few weeks. I want to thank you all for the support
Wow, that remarkable! I wish I had that much detirmination, and energy!!! I still have to question is losing weight tooo fast safe? Anyway congrats and keep up the great work.