Just wondering?

I plan on undertaking a new workout routine in order to enhance all my levels of general fitness.

Monday - Squats, 5 sets of 5 (Cross trainer in between sets) pull-ups, 5 sets of 5.

Tuesday - Sprint training. (Various 20m Sprints and such)

Wednesday - Bench press 5 sets of 5 (20 pushups between sets) Shoulder press 5 sets of 5

Thursday - Touch Rugby League

Friday - Repeat Monday

+30 Min jog every morning

Every week, The workouts swap days around. I Was wondering if this is pushing it just a bit? I wouldn't wanna screw myself over by over training, or injuring myself somehow.. Ps this is my first post xD THANKS
Since you asked, your plan is not very balanced. You won't get the max benefit out of your sets if you do stuff in between. Not enough of a back workout and I'd mix in some biceps & tricep exercises. You are doing one exercise for chest, if you are doing chest then add some inclines, flys or declines. If you are doing shoulder then some front & lateral raises. Think about adding in deadlifts for back as well as rows.