Sport just wondering about calories in high quality chocolates...

Sport Fitness

i couldn't help it...hehe, they were staring at me at work, expensive belgian milk chocolates and white chocolates....

i do have a clean diet, my calorie intake is always less than 2000, sometimes even less than 1500... (im 5'11, 145 pounds).....consists of salads lots of veggies, whole grain bread for sandwiches....etc the worst food i eat is probably a 6 inch grill chicken sandwich from mr.sub on whole wheat bread....

anyways today at work these chocolates just looked too damn i had 5 of they are all about the size of a walnut (with a couple shape like walnuts too haha)....

so i dont really know if that is going to offset my calorie intake for the day....anyways anyone know what affect (if any) these chocolates can have on me (who is trying to lower my BF%)...?
You'd have to look at the packaging to get exact calories for the chocolates. If it's not listed there, you could try to find them on the internet. But I can tell you, white chocolate has no health benefit and a lot of fat. Milk chocolate is so-so. Dark chocolate is the only one which has been said to have health benefits (it's said to be good for your heart, like red wine), and even then it's only in moderation, and it's debatable.

In any case, sweets of any sort will definitely make a dent in your diet plans. Sorry. lol
I would guess you ate 250-350calories worth of chocolate, probably an even split between sugar carbs and fat.

dark chocolate has more anti-oxidants than milk chocolate, but that doesn't make it healthy ;)
wUH! buddy why are you taking in so little calories??! You live a short life eat what you want!!

It's kinda stupid ppl eat all healthy and exercise then get hit by a bus and die. Sad.
We also work our asses off all through our lives to be successful and then we end up dying when we're old. Does that make life itself pointless? No.
Azn_Drag0n said:
wUH! buddy why are you taking in so little calories??! You live a short life eat what you want!!

It's kinda stupid ppl eat all healthy and exercise then get hit by a bus and die. Sad.

Life becomes even shorter when you eat too much crap too often.
woah! 80lbs of low carb, low fat chocolate, YUM! although 80lbs does seem like alot, you think they got deals or sale of some sort?