Weight-Loss Just want some feedback on my diet



New member
Hello everyone, im new to here and i just wanted to get a few questions that i had about an eatting plan i am attempting to follow, so far im having some issues following it, but its only the first week so im hoping to learn as i go. In this eatting plan im hoping to only drink water, i drink quite a bit of diet soda, and im hoping to cut that out completely. Anyways, here is my plan, i appreciate any feedback you give me, thank you.

Nutrition plan: 2100 calories
Calories Fat Carbs Protein
Breakfast: 9am
Oatmeal 200 4g 38g 8g
Peanut butter 180 17g 6g 7g
Roll 80 .5g 17g 5g

Snack: 12pm
2 rolls 160 1g 34g 10g
2 slices cheese 140 12g 0g 8g
6 slices turkey 100 2g 2g 20g
Banana 110 0g 29g 1g

Lunch: 3pm
85g spinach 20 0g 3g 2g
4oz steak 230 9g 0g 34g
¼ cup rice 160 0g 36g 3g

Dinner: 6pm
4oz chicken 200 5g 0g 35g
¼ cup rice 160 0g 36g 3g
Chocolate dark 60 3.5g 7g 1g

Late snack: 9pm
2 yogurts 120 0g 22g 6g
Mozz cheese 80 0g 2g 18g
6oz carrots 70 0g 16g 2g

Total 2070 54g 248g 163g
Forgot to mention

Sorry forgot to mention, i am a 200 pound male, with 3 years of weight training, i weight train 4 days a week and try for 3 days of cardio, sometimes HITT if i feel i can do it.