Sport Just tired

Sport Fitness
i lost my 25 lbs and am back to regular eating but continue to exercise. I don't know, but i just get tired easily - and sometimes my arms ache.

I guess i could be hungry so I eat plenty of salads and fruits - but why is that; why did i have so much more energy when i was heavier?

and i got sick less often, too////////
I would consider taking some multi-vitamins and minerals because it seems taht you are not getting enough of those.
What's your full diet like? List a typical day's meal plan.

What's your training like? List a full week's workout routine, including cardio.

It sounds like you're starving yourself and possibly over-training. You may just need a week off, especially if you've been training hardcore for a while now.
i don't want to baby myself - i realy think i eat plenty, and don't work so hard. i hardly even sweat anymore!

but okay..........

breakfast - coffee, low fat yogurt with cereal
lunch - big green salad with red pepers, grated carots, cauliflower, a piece of chicken and low fat dressing
snack - apple
dinner - whatever i make for all of us - lasagne and steamed veggie or stir fry and rice or baked chicken and barley with veggies, something like that

Each morning; an exercise video for about 45 minutes - Karen Voight or Kari Anderson, with 10 lb weights (2 5's)

I do the exercise bike 5-6 nights a week, with resistence, for approx 40 minutes.

Sundays - longer workout with weights and usualy 30 minutes of stretch or yoga after.