Just stopping by to say hello


New member
Just thought I’d stop by and say hello. I’m looking to lose some weight. I want to lose it and keep it off. I’ve had weight issues my whole life. Mainly because I’m a hungry guy. I can’t even begin to tell you how hungry I am. I know that sounds crazy. But, it’s the truth. I feel hungry all the time. I’ve always felt hungry. The only time I’m not hungry is if I’m sick.
Welcome Hal :) How much are you looking to lose?
What does an ordinary day of eating look like for you? This might explain your hunger if we have a better idea of a normal day. Also what times are you eating? And is it bored eating? You just get bored so you eat sort of thing. You could just have a higher rate and have to channel the energy better. What kind of exercising are you doing currently?