Just starting

im not new to exercising... i do my push-ups and sit-up and weights and all that jazz, but the one thing i havn't done is running. i'd like to becuz its good cardio and i'd like to reduce body fat. but the problem is that since i dont usually run, i can't run for very long. its not my muscles, i think its my breathing. how can i go about increasing my endurence in running?
Run more. :)

Start out small, maybe with a mile, mile and a half, and just add distance every week or two. If I want to up my distance, I just add a half mile every week.

Running is really great and theraputic, but it is difficult at first. Just keep with it and be careful not to overdo it.
As vainglorious says, at first, it will be hard, but there are rewards for it, as stated in the previous comment. Another suggestion seeing as your struggling with you breathing is to run/jog (whatever pace is comfortable) for 5 minutes, then walk briskly for 1 minute. Then repeat (however many times you desire), by doing this, you'll be able to run further than you would otherwise by just running non stop due to the rests that you get. Great way for beginners to increase the length of their sessions, and so burn more fat without dying from exhaustion. Congratulations for taking on the challenge as well, it is worth it in the end!