Just starting...


New member

I am just starting out on this site and normally I do not join forums like this for weight less, but I am at a loss. I have tried so many weight loss tactics from weight watchers, diet pills, and beyond and no matter what my weight keeps coming back on. I am now at the biggest I have been and I have no idea what to do. I feel like I will always be at this weight and this is the end for me. Any type of advice, tips, comments, etc would be very grateful. I don't know where to begin because I use my busy schedule as a scapegoat to why I can't lose weight, but I know it's possible I just need support and direction.

Thanks all.
First thing I would do:
-Assess what weight you are now.
-Decide your short-term goals and your long-term goals.
-Once you've done that, what changes can you make in your lifestyle right now that can have a positive impact on you.
-Make time. You said it yourself, but we'll always find a thousand reasons to not do something. Change can only happen when you absolutely want it.
-Decide on some exercises.
-Planning out what you want to eat, with the idea of lifestyle in mind. You don't want to reach your goal, then go back to old habits and balloon up again. Commit to something that works for you and can be sustainable.

I know you can do this. We're all here for you and along for that ride in your journey that leads to what you're ultimately seeking. It starts with you. Are you ready? I am. We are. I want to see you succeed!
If nothing has worked for you in the past, then how about starting to read books on nutrition and healing and you might slowly realize that you want to change your ways.. that's what I did. Going vegan has also helped a lot of people lose weight, I guess it's because you start to think about what you put into your body and you might eat more fresh food that way. But it's not for everyone. I know this isn't easy..
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