Sport just starting to change my diet

Sport Fitness
So far over the last month i have completely cut out sweets, soda, fast food etc...
I know that is a huge step in the right direction...

breakfast for me is generally, 2 eggs....and 2 pieces of wheat bread...and a large glass of skim milk.

lunch is a large salad.. no meat or anything just salad...maybe a teaspoon of dressing. also a large glass of skim milk and a protein bar

dinner is generally not the best option...(i am temp. living with my fiance's parents for the time being till i am enlisted in the navy.) although i have been keeping my portions much smaller and perhaps making a ham sandwich with wheat bread and mustard (no mayo, oil or cheese) instead of some of the more unhealthier meals that are prepared every so often...

can anyone let me know if i am heading in the right direction...what i am doing right and wrong, and maybe have some pointers for me?

This is a huge step for me already as i have NEVER held back and always just eaten what i wanted...i am sick and tired of being 20-25 pounds overweight and am determined to change
Cutting out the soda, sweets, and fast food is definitely a good thing.

For lunch to go with your salad, you may want to have some real food instead of a protein bar. For example, fish, chicken, egg, or beans.

You may want to throw some vegetables into your sandwich. Also, make sure that the "wheat" bread's first ingredient is whole wheat.

Also, don't be too afraid of fat in general; just be aware that it is calorie dense, and avoid the bad kinds like trans-fats / hydrogenated oils (found in processed food, most margarine and shortening, and fast food restaurants) and saturated fat in large quantities (found mostly in fat from red meat and dairy products but also in coconut and palm oil). With carbohydrates, favor those that come with fiber; avoid added sugar and limit refined grain.
Good on you 'gettin there' Im sure when you have lost your desired amount you will feel alot better. Personally ide like to eat better dinners instead of sandwiches with ham on or peanut butter and fruit. I wouldnt mind having salad with ham in or something instead of bread :)
One of the best things that you could do, is to keep a food diary. Write down everything that you eat every day for a few days or a couple of weeks. While you are developing a history of what your food intake is, do some research on what you should be eating. One of the best places to start is the My Pyramid website. It gives you a very good idea of what you should be eating and in what quantities. Once you know what you are eating and what you should be eating, it easy to start developing a diet that fits you. You might not like what I like. You have choices available. I'd go stark raving mad if all I ate was 2 eggs, a salad, and a ham sandwich every day. Try some oatmeal with fruit in the morning, maybe a grilled chicken stir fry at night. Maybe you can turn your Ladies family on to healthy eating. Healthy eating isn't hard to do, you just have to make the choice to do it.

The Navy isn't going to give you much latitude in your choices, you'll get three hots and a cot while you are in basic and diet and nutrition usually isn't on the training program.

Remember a good diet plan should be based on three things, balance, variety, and moderation. Balance your diet with the nutrients that you eat, give yourself enough variety to keep your meals interesting and satisfying, eat moderate proportions and don't over eat