just starting out, suggestions?

first, a bit about me:
30 years old
about 5"9'
about 174 pounds (working towards 150)

i'm fairly new to doing weight/strength training (same thing, correct?), especially doing it properly!

so i'm interested in getting my abs toned/defined, and adding some muscle to my arms. i'm currently working towards losing some weight so i don't know if this is something i can realistically achieve while in the weight loss process.

what i want to know is what are some good routines that i can work on to get these results with my abs and arms? from what i've read, you're supposed to do X number of sets with X number of reps with whatever routine you do, but i don't know where to start in my case! how many reps, how many sets, what routines should i do... i need some direction!

hopefully all of this makes sense!

any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
