Just Starting Need Help

Lucas Kelley

New member
Hey guys,
This is the first time i have been on here before i just signed up but i decided to start losing weight as of now. I am 15 y/o and 5' 6" and i am at 535 pounds. Its all a pretty long story but i have been big all my life starting from 120 pounds at 5 to being 200 by the time i was 7. Now i have started to have problems with standing up more than a few seconds and needing assistance getting up. I went to the hospital a few weeks ago because the fat from my thighs hang over my knee and that caused the skin to get infected and it hurt a lot but when we were in there they told me it is time to lose weight. Because of my age there were no real surgery options until i lost some weight so i am hoping to get down to 400 rather soon. I don't have much of a game plan yet but i really was hoping i could make some friends and they could help me figure out how to lose the weight.

Anyways this is the first entry of many but i hope to meet new people! if anyone wants to talk, skype me: lucab291. Or just reply and we can talk on here. Looking forward to losing weight thank you!
Check out the military diet, google it. They use it quite often in hospitals for patients to lose weight quickly before sending off to surgery or whatever the procedure might be. Best of luck!
At age 15 your parent(s) should be involved in your weight loss. What are their thoughts? I changed the way I eat and lost 50lbs 4 years ago and kept it off. If your parent(s) or guardian are OK with it I can share same interesting information I think may help you, just let me know.