Sport Just one of those days

Sport Fitness
Hey everyone,

I am an active guy who eats a regularly healthy diet. I work as a police officer and my shifts have me up at 6am and dont finish until 6pm. Other days I start at 6am to 11am, then I have school until 4pm. Either way, both of those types of days are packed.

I usually work out when I get home after dinner. Ill run about 4 miles or Ill hit the weights. Sometimes both. I usually alternate weight days and run days.

But then there are just those days where the lack of sleep and lifestyle catch up and I just dont do anything physical. There is always 1 day a week in which I dont work out. There is never more than 1 day, just always 1.

It doesnt matter what I do. No matter how healthy and hearty my breakfast is. No matter how much protein and vitamins I supplement throughout the day. Hours of police work and sitting university take a mental and physical toll and leave me beat.

How detrimental is it to have a personal day throughout the week? Like I said, one of the days is just no physical activity.

I usually eat about 2000-2500 calories a day, in the form of six small meals to keep my metabolism up and maintain my shape and overall fitness. Im not too worried, I just want to maintain an optimal level of fitness.

Should I cut back on calories and eat better types of meals on my off day?

Any advice?
Don't be so hard on yourself. Not only is a day off OK, it is encouraged. Really, 1 or 2 days completely off is fine, depending on your goals.