Just looking for some advice for archery?

I'm 18, and I've been trying to get back into a childhood hobby of mine, archery.

As a kid I was happy just shooting small distances with a longbow, but I'd like to start practicing again and eventually build my way up to larger longbows or long-distance archery with compound bows.

Some of these bow have quite a heavy drawback, and it can be difficult to steady yourself with that sort of pressure on your arms.

What sort of exercises can help me increase my drawback strength, and will also help me hold my arms steady with that sort of pressure? I've been exercising lately, but it's mostly been running with some weight lifting thrown in. But I haven't been working specifically on gaining lots of strength in any particular areas. Mainly just to tone up my muscles and drop some weight for running.

I assume I'd be looking at mostly forearms, shoulders, and upper-lower back? Am I correct?

I wouldn't mind gaining the upper body weight, despite the fact that I run, I just run for my health, not to compete.
You're right on the button. Arms, shoulders, and especially back. I also believe the motion of drawback and pause (aim) requires a strong stabilizing core.

You main emphasis of exercise should be rows. Look into doing bent-over dumbell rows, t-bar rows, etc.

Good luck!
whoooa! who is nobody? nice post, trippy avie, and a high post count.

good advice too.

I was gunna recommend the cobra and the cat back, but I had the other arching in mind...


ok ok ok really now....

8 days to ironman!

get some!

oh, and welcome to the board :D
