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Adam Z

New member
Hello all,

I'm Adam i'm 18 and recently starting to gain more weight, I work in an office 8.30-5.30 which means I sit on my arse for the majority of the day but even when I get home I'm just exhausted even though all I've been doing is sat down so I find it very hard to motivate myself, does anyone happen to have any tips? I've also started to make small changes. I've stopped having sugar in my tea and coffee (I only drink around 4 cups a day) and I've started to take the steps instead of the lift and we work on the top floor. I signed up for a gym around 3 months ago and I'm ashamed to say I've been once, I find it hard to motivate myself when I'm around people that have much better bodies then I do and I guess that's my biggest demon I get too self conscious when I'm exercising as I just feel as though people are laughing and judging. So I just wanted to say Hi and any tips regarding feeling more comfortable when exercising and any general help would be appreciated.

Many thanks
Hey Adam, I am new around here myself but I know from experience that I can offer you a few tips to help. In regards to actually losing weight, I would start your day off with a 30-40 minute walk before you eat. Not too fast, not too slow. What this does is that it starts your day off with burning a few calories, as well as it builds a routine for you. Walking a brisk pace won't be too hard and it is something you can do every single day. You will be amazed at how much energy you have after it! It is not that much fun the first few times because it involves waking up earlier, but you will begin to love that time of day because it is time that is focused completely on you and what you want to do!

Now with regard to your being anxious in the gym, I would love to hear the type of gym you are going to? There are many different types of gyms out there, and if you are not comfortable in yours, you can find another. Even better, is that you can just buy a few weights and excercise bands, and excercise in your own home! You will get great results with it too! Message me if you are looking for a few ideas!

Everybody in the gym is trying to get better. There will be a few annoying people in there that slam weights, or are loud and obnoxious, but in all truth, even those people are too busy focusing on themselves to worry about anyone else. 99.9% of people in the gym honestly will not even notice you are there because they are focusing entirely on what they need to do.

Hope I could help a little bit, I am looking forward to seeing more of your story!
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