Just Joined. Need Guidance!


New member
Hi all, my name is Edward Percibell.
I'm 16 years, measure about 5ft.7inches and weigh 195 lbs.

I've started dieting a little, cutting down on my fry chicken and chips etc, and started eating 3 meals a day. Breakfast is cereal(Whole grain), lunch is most time brown rice and vegetables like spinach, pumpkin, squash with chopped up chicken/beef. dinner mostly whole wheat bread and tea.

My goal is to lose about 30-40 lbs before this year end and i would love for memebers of this forum to support me and give me advice on how to go about doing so. Like what foods to eat and what not to. What exercises etc.

Looking forward for your support.
Welcome Edward
You have youth on your side. I think you will need some exercise in your plan to go with cutting back on bad eating habits. Find an activity that you enjoy and get going! Good luck!