Just Graduated High School


I have basic training August 4th and I currently have no job so I am just gonna sleep in everyday and workout all summer and just relax. So awesome ;)
I'd get used to waking up at 5:00AM if I we're you instead of sleeping in. :p

But yes, that's awesome - I wish I had the opportunity to be in your situation. But, I need to pay bills, work 45 hours a day and study at least 20 hours a week. :(

I hope you make the best of your time.

Good luck with basic training, although I don't think you need it.
Nice Jman.

Have fun this summer dude, just make sure you don't smoke any weed or anything like that.

nope don't do drugs.....cant get caught with THC in my system- I will be disqualified from the Air force if I did that.

Anyhow- this summer I'm just gonna be working on my website and trying to get in better shape. Still have no gym membership. But I do have a bar with plates on my deck- problem is where I'm from we have these biting flys called tee-tee flys (or something like that) and they swarm you. I usually end up running back inside with like 7 of them biting the **** outta me.
don't get caught with friends who might be toking or drinking under age either. had a buddy almost not get into the Marines because he was with people who got MIP charges.
That's why I said it.

Second hand smoke from weed is fine to be around. Drinking is cool if you're partying up the summer. Just don't get into trouble because of it.
Well done, and enjoy the time off you have before August 4th. It will go so fast, trust me.