Just got A Bunch of Supplements...Input Please

Ok. My dad went up to the supplement store for us and surprised me with some supplements. I had been taking Creatine Fizz Fuel for the past couple of days, but i guess its time to stop.The guy that owns the shop recommended a few things to my dad for me. He got me this:

ScitFit Kre-Alkalyn 1500 (2before and 2 after workout)
CytoSport Muscle Milk (drink immediatly after workout)
5lb ON Whey Gold Standard Protein (2 scoops before bed)

Are these good supplements or did my dad get ripped off?Are their better alternatives?Cheaper yet just as affective?
NOt sure but the muscle milk is not the best choice for a post workout drink imo because of the fat content. You want fast acting protein and carbs but the fat with slow down to digestion.

If ScitFit Kre-Alkalyn 1500 is creatine you got ripped off. How many grams would 4pills be?

Good whey product but you can take it different times of the day also.
Looking at muscle milk i would probably take that 1hour after a workout. Drink your whey and add some simple carbs right after a workout.
When would be the best time to take each of these products?Take the muscle milk 1 hour after workout.When would it be best to take the protein? I go workout around 5ish and sleep around 11ish.Serving size is 2 capsules and im getting 1.5grams of Kre-Alkalyn per serving so 4 pills everyday = 3 grams?
Oh should I drink the Creatine Fizz Fuel on top of the KreAlkayn? Or will that serving be enough? Also what kind of simple carbs do you mean after a workout? I eat dinner and everything. Also I am not looking to get fat either.I am pretty muscular and cut I want to get bigger muscle mass not fat.What supplements would be better to get once these run out because the money is already gone.

The creatine Fizz fuel says it puts out 5g of creatine monohydrate per serving. So should i stack the creatine before the workout or stack it at all or should i wait till post workout? Could you maybe set me up a schedule of what i should take and when i should take it with the supplements i already got?
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3grams of creatine after a workout is fine. I use dextose for my simple sugar, its corn sugar. I buy a bag of it and add it in my protein shake during and right after a workout. Muscle Milk is good many times of the day but before bed i would not take it.
No need to add more creatine to the Kre-alkalyn. When you run out of it, do your bank account a favor and just get plain creatine monohydrate. Kre alk is the biggest rip off around. Not one scientific study has proved that Kre-alkalyn, or Creatine Ethyl Ester are any more effective than creatine monohydrate. However both are 2-3 times more expensive than creatine.

If you don't believe me, read the marketing in Kre-alkalyn. They state that 1g of Kre is the equivalent of 10g of monohydrate. A serving size of Kre is 1.5g...or 15g of monohydrate.
WTF? Every bit of research I've read says 5g is the max creatine monohydrate dose needed, and only once per day (unless you choose to load when you start taking it).
So Kre-Alkalyn wants you to ingest an equivalent of 30g of creatine monohydrate every day? And they wanna charge you 3x the monohydrate price too?

Bend over, grab yer ankles, and think warm thoughts...cuz yer getting the shaft.