Just An Estimate Please

Alright i'm 16 years old around 5'10 with a weight of 162 pounds....everyone says that i dont have a lot of fat on me but i think other wise becasue i wanna bring out the 6 pack a bit more. I obviously have the 6 pack muslces because when i run and look at my chest the packs are bulging out but when i stop runnin they dissapear. I want to get rid of that small layer of fat off on me because its obvioulsy there. 3 days a week i do a 20-25 minute run usually 3 miles and also hit on a heavy bag for a good 20-30 minutes on the same day. 3 other days of the week i do my full body work out and always have one day off...usually sunday. How long do you think it will take me to get rid of this layer of fat if i keep this up...also i do eat very healthy on occasion i might have one junk food nothing terrible tho. Just a rough estimate please because I hear it is harder to lose that small layer of fat because there is not a lot of fat there. SO SOME1 HELP AND GIVE AN ESTIMATE

note i have only done this for a week so far
Keep going, see how it goes, you can't expect results in a week, compare yourself in a month or so, see if you see any difference, then work from there, maybe adapt your exercise routine to suit your needs. I wouldnt worry that much though, it really doesn't sound like your in too bad shape. Just a couple of ideas for you!