Just a check on what I'm doing


New member
Hi there, just looking for some input in what I'm doing.

I'm 5'8" and 172-175 pounds, I dont work out a whole lot, usually 2 or 3 times a week doing some cardio, running or tennis. I'm tracking in my plate and to lose 2 pounds a week i'm supposed to be eating 1445 calories a day. I usually eat about 1500 a day. Its what I aim for at least. I rarely go very high over it.

Is that what I should still be aiming for? the 1500? it seems really low to me but that could just be me. as well its saying that i only need about 36g of protein a day, i usually rang from 60-80 grams a day? should I change that to have less or does it matter?

As far as what I'm eating, it differs everyday usually allbran or oatmeal for breakfast. I dont always eat the greatest, sometimes i'll sneak in french fries for lunch with a sandwich. I usually compensate and have less potatos / rice at dinner to keep the calories level. I get my 5-8 servings of veggies in a day, stick to baby new potatos, brown rices, whole grain bread for carbs, protein is usually cottage cheese, chicken or tuna, sometimes sausage but rarely, maybe once or twice a month. I have my cheat days every sunday which usually include pizza.

I guess I'm having a freak out because i'm not sure how accurate my new scale is, its digital and freaks me out sometimes, I know not to obsess but I do anyway. and I dont seem to be losing any inches. Which I think may be to do with the fact I dont exercise as much as I used to, I used to be in the gym almost everyday. unfortunately at the moment a gym isn't available to me so I try to get out and run and do some minor weight training in the house.

Any opinions on what I'm doing?
Well, one think to keep in mind is that if you are at a certain weight and have been at that weight for a long time, that has become your body's comfort zone. So you may not see immediate changes b/c your body has to take time to adjust to this change you are inducing. Believe me, I've been at 145 for like EVER and it's so hard for me to get off it (mainly b/c of my eating habits, which I have now re-re-reevaluted lol). But I believe that the reason I haven't gained weight is because I do enough exercise to balance my sometimes overeating out.

But I would suggest keeping to that 1445 calories (or even 1400) but eat "good food"--lean protein, veggies (you could get stuffed off eating up to 200 calories worth of plain veggies), and healthy carbs like the ones you mentioned. But another thing that could help is more intense workouts. If you are trying to more so lose a lotta weight, I'd say go a little heavier on the cardio than strength training (maybe like a 60:40 ratio), but if you're trying to tone up, then a little heavier on the strength training (same 60:40 ratio, but flipped). But still do both.

Most importantly just stick with it. Good luck!