Sport Junk food and six pack

Sport Fitness
I'm 133 lbs at 5'9". I do cardio (jump rope, biking, running) and weight training. I was just curious, do I have to completely cut out junk food to get a six pack or can I have some occasionally, or can I have as much as I want (not that I want to, just curious)? Any information (as in depth as possible i.e. why junk food may be bad (insulin levels, etc.)) would be helpful. Thanks.
This is a forum. If you want really indepth answers they do some propper research and read around the forum.
'junk food' is pretty vauge.

Yes you can eat food 'occasionally', if you mean a big mac twice a month. but not if your 'occasionally' means 3big macs extra large fries, huge milkshake and a side of nuggets three times a week.

Its all to do with what else you eat, and what training you do. have a good read thru the stickys in the forum.
You absolutely can have a six pack of beer and junk food together. And yes...all you want.

But you will not get 6 pack abs with either. Yes, you need to cut it out completely to get there. Down the might be able to add some back in.
also remember that junk food is loaded with chemicals, fat, and overly processed carbs and protein.

junk food is not quality food, aside from the high amounts of salt and sugar.
yeah, dont eat it. this half a burger im holding is dicusting!!!