jogging supplements

I just started out jogging. Im up to about 10 miles. I just went to the gnc store and got n02 hemodilator and creatine liquid. Thats what they suggested. Will these supplements be fine for jogging? And is there anything else i should be taking, and is it better to take the liquid creatine before or after running?
i cant see how any of those will help jogging. creatine helps short anerobic activities, and may actually hinder jogging since you will probably gain water weight. NO2 does nothing. it claims to improve size and vascularity of muscles (which again does not relly help jogging), but my experience, along with that of many others is that it is a waste of money.

im sorry to say, but i think the gnc people ripped you off.
no offense but why would you need to get "jogging supplements"? i'd say save you're money and focus on proper nutrition & a decent pair of shoes. i jog quite often and have never taken anything extra other than a whey potein shake afterwards as a meal. after a lot of water, that is.
i personally drink whey protein shakes after a run, after drinking water first. in these i put 10 oz's water, 1 scoop whey protein powder (any flavor), 4 strawberries, tbsp milled flax seeds, 1 tbsp shelled hemp seeds, 1tsp quinoah flakes, and a little bit of whole oats. i blend it all togther and drink it as my morning meal. some of the stuff i mentioned in the shake might be too complicated for you and if so, making a whey protein shake with water and little fruit is fine also.
the main thing is, just get out there and keep running (or whatever you choose) and drink lot's of water. supplements are a waste of money, IMO. unless you're buying something like flax seed (cheaper sources online for this, as well), i'd stay out of GNC. asking them what you need to help your running is like asking a car salesman if he knows where you can buy something to drive around. eating right and exercise is all you need. :)
creatine has shown to improve aerobic activity, initially it was thought to be beneficial only for sprinters, but they've done studies lately & it will help :)
If your gonna take creatine, use the creatine ethyl ester, it will cut down on bloating from water weight. I personnaly dont think you need anything for jogging. And whatever you do, stay away from GNC. They dont know a damn thing.
Im gonna have to agree with the others in this thread and say that you dont need to be taking anything. But what I do recommend is you take a good multivitamin. It will help replace anything your missing in your diet.
umm.. no offense but a multivitamin will not help "replace anything you're missing in your diet". vitamin pills have a handful of some basic nutrients, food contains thousands of nutrients, way way more than you'll ever get in a pill. eat a balanced diet high in veggies and grains, fish, etc. you'll get everything you need from that to keep you going strong.
notice that each study concluded (as has been known for years) that proper nutrition is acheived from eating a balanced diet, the problem is that most people dont eat one.
i stand by my initial view that if you eat properly, vitamin tablets will make no difference, and if you eat a crappy diet they will make no difference whatsover, either. save your money, dont buy into the marketing, eat right & exercise!